New Classes

In addition to Rev. Jackson’s new bi-weekly Meditation Class, we have more opportunities for you to expand your horizons with us.

Of course, on Tuesdays 7:00 pm, we offer a Healing Meditation on Zoom, where we meet with like-minded people to meditate and share energies of healing wherever they are needed.

We are also pleased to announce a partnership with our friends at The Meditation Center in Sylva, NC, facilitated by WMC ministers Revs. Randy Doster and Mark Stein. We are making our activities available to their community, and they are making their classes available to our congregation. We are excited to make these opportunities available to you. Please take advantage of them.

Examples of their classes include a weekly Discussion and Meditation on Saturday mornings, a variety of recorded meditations and lectures, and special classes offered on a regular basis.

Visit the Classes page of our website for details on all of these exciting opportunities! To learn more about The Meditation Center, click here.

Guided Meditations with Rev. Jackson
Summer schedule