Using our power of creation when dealing with crises

Sermon: Rev. Fabienne Piccinni
Scripture: Mark 5:9-13

This week’s service is offered to you as a virtual service. You will find below a prayer to help those near and far deal with the unprecedented challenge we are facing.

Divine Spirit,

We give thanks for all the blessings upon us. We give thanks for the love and the Life that permeate every fiber of our being. As we are here, today, we know that we are Spiritual beings in human bodies and we recognize and accept all aspects of our Divinity. 

We pray for the perfect health of our body, mind, and spirit. We affirm that as our body is being restored to perfect health, all of our cells, tissues, and organs are filled with Light and are functioning as per the Divine Plan. 

We pray for our loved ones, and affirm that their bodies, minds, and spirits also return to perfect health, in accordance to Divine plan.

We pray for continued guidance, that at all times, we let ourselves be led to actions and places that are for our Highest good and highest good of all concerned.

We pray for our community. We send Love and healing to those who are incarcerated, in mind and bodies. We pray for the homeless and those who are in hospitals. 

We pray for compassion to all souls around the world – including those who live in the streets.

We pray for our leaders, that they surround themselves with compassionate and resourceful souls and together set up systems in place that rapidly provide effective resources and support for our country and the world.

We send Love and healing to all the children whose parents face illnesses. We pray for the elderly, that they remain healthy and at peace and find comfort among those who love them.

We send Love and Light to all the doctors and nurses around the world, and ask that they be guided by the Spirit within so that they may provide the best care for the highest good of those under their watch. We ask that all Light workers be awoken and energized to do their part for all those in need. 

We pray for all those affected by the Coronavirus and other illnesses worldwide; we pray that human consciousness be illuminated to allow thorough understanding of the situation unfolding leading to complete healing. 

We pray that the collective consciousness quickly awakens and overcomes the challenge we are facing and heal humanity so that we can be all one in peace and harmony.

And so it is.


Rev. FP

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